How AWESOME is this birdhouse! This is from the set 'Delightful Garden' from Little Paper Shop. It will be released April 18th. Do you want to know what the best part of this is??? You can win this stamp and the lovely set that compliments it! How generous is Julia??? Julia and Allison will also be giving away different LPS sets!
I am addicted to quotes, I think the right quote can help any mood. SO, all you have to do is comment on this post with one of your favorite quotes! You are allowed one quote/comment per day and I will be using the Random Number Generator to pick the winner on April 18! So make sure you come back daily to see each new card I post and to add your daily quote. That's right, it's a week's worth of Little Paper Shop!
But remember to comment your quotes on this post!
This card is a fun and quick note card! I actually made about 10 of these to give to my mom for Mother's Day! As aforementioned they use the bird house and bird from 'Delightful Garden'. I colored it with the following copics: G24, E33, YR04, YR09, YR14, Y000. The white parenthesis rub-ons are from American Crafts.
ETA: Make sure you stop by tomorrow for another chance to enter to win this card AND a brand new COPIC tutorial using Little Paper Shop stamps!!! I haven't done one in a while because I have been so busy, but after turning in two huge papers, I have a more time to share with you!
As always,
How about "If at first you don't succeed - try try again!!. It worked for you and your new design team. Congrats!!
how bout.."you rock"
Congrats on being chosen for the DT! What an honor. I have blanked out on the quote I wanted to leave, so for now "let the good times roll!". LOL! -michelle
ummmmmmmmmm thinking
how about" day with you ,is a day spent in heaven? jo x
How about........We learn something every day, and lots of times it's that what we learned the day before was wrong.
Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.
Thanks for sharing.
Congrats on the Design team! I love the birdhouse card! My mom collects birdhouses! So I think I NEED this set. I love quotes too! I have a little chipboard album for the coffee table that I made just with some of my favorite quotes! So here's one for today. Childhood is a journey not a race!
Hey, congrats on the dt. Here's a little quote "laughter is the best medicine!"
"When you think you can, you will. When you think you can’t, you
Congrats on being chosen! You will be great. Thanks for the chance to win some neat blog candy.
Congratulations! My quote for today is "Family and Friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches."
This is pretty neat ~ I'm enjoying reading the quotes that have been listed. Mine for today is: 'Pretty is as Pretty does...' (I'm actually bad at quotes, so I'm thinking that's it...)
Funny story quote inspired... there is a boy named Lucas in my dd's class & everytime I see him I think... 'Luke, I am your father' ~ but I change it to Luke, I am not your mother.... my daughter isn't too amused by that...
My friend and stamping buddy Kathy, puts this quote on her emails and I just love it:
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend; inside of a dog, it's too dark to read"
Groucho Marx
Can you tell she works in a library? Best of luck to you and the team. Can't wait to see the collection. ~chris
Hmmm.... birdhouse... so glad you pecked me... but thats more for chickens... in the Jerry Maguire tradition, "you had me at Tweet tweet tweet"....
Congrats on being picked!!! I can't ewait for this new set to come out!!!thanks, Kathy Hering...
Hi I forgot to mention I don't really have any favorite quotes. my DH says that I say "sure sure sure" alot also "whatever" and "Heelllooo", thanks Kathy Hering
Cute birdhouse. A favorite quote (by R.W.Emerson, I think) "You can never do a kindness too soon, because you never know how soon it will be too late."
I would LOVE to have the birdhouse stamp set! Thanks for the great chance to win.
How about... Whatever you are...be a good one.
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Here's one that I love -
"Exercise is a dirty word. Every time I hear it I wash my mouth out with chocolate." ~ Charles M. Schultz
How about this one as you are going to law school?
"A successful lawsuit is the one worn by a policeman"
Robert Frost
Thanks for letting us do this daily.
That is such a cute little birdhouse! And you made a lovely card.
What about "A friend in need is a friend indeed"
He who has a thousand friends
Has not a friend to spare,
While he who has one enemy
Shall meet him everywhere.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Joyce Roth
How about - "A child is a gift from God". I am sure your parents are proud of you! Congrats on the design team.
like the new car stamp...I cant wait to see ALL the stamps
patiently waiting..lol
I dont have a quote today...maybe tomorrow I will have a brain.lol
I love quotes too! One of my fave quotes is - "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." Thanks for this chance to win sweet candy!
Happy Spring!
~Brenda H.
I like this quote: "Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up." (Jesse Jackson)
Congratulations on being on the DT. Thanks for sharing! This birdhouse looks awesome.
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13
Congrats to you for being selected to be on the design team! Here's one of my favorite quotes:
"When you look for the good in others, you discover the best in yourself." Martin Walsh
Lisa H.
"Grow old with me! The best is yet to be." ~Robert Browning
I had a bunch of different love-themed quotes (that being one of them) that I formatted and repeated to make background paper I used for Anniversary and Wedding Cards. Quotes are the best!
The oak sleeps in the acorn
--James Allen
Joyce Roth
My favorite saying is: "Please Lord grant me the wisdom to make stepping stones out of stumbing blocks." Thanks so much for the chance to win!
In honor of my 7th graders, "Save your drama for your llama" - have a great day.
I am back for another entry. The quote this time is in honor of the wedding cards I made today. "you may now kiss the bride"!!
Love your website and it's great to hear about all of your achievements. "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds up to be" Abraham Lincoln (one of my favorites)
One of my favorite quotes is "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, Live the life you've imagined." Henry David Thoreau
Lisa H.
This one I find myself telling my girls: 'Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it...' Don't know where it originates from, but it sounds good...
Mine would be..
" I might have a shady past, a rocky present but I have a bright future"
Great blog candy and congrats for being on a Design team
"Today You are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." Dr. Suess
I LOVE this for birthday cards.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Congrats on making the Design Team.
I am really enjoying your blog and it's tutorials.
As for a quote...
"Some day you are the bug, some day you are the windshield…." Price Cobb
Mine would have to be for today (Tax day in US): "Such is life" -Ned Kelly.
Love your work! "Seize the Daisies" Jamey
Congrats!! Someone already took my fave quote (the Groucho Marx one) but here's another with a dog reference:
The more I know about men the more I like dogs. ~Gloria Allred
I love 'choose your attitude- don't let it choose you' and I quote it all the time to my kids LOL!!! Andrea M
Way to go! A favorite quote of mine is: “Some people are like Slinkies - not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.”
couple more days to wait! how exciting!
ok here is one that makes me laugh...
"A friend doesn't go on a diet because you are fat."
Erma Bombeck
OMGosh! That digger truck image is the cutest! Did I mention I have 2 toddler boys? WOW! I can't wait until the 18th. My quote for tonight is something cheesy... "life is what you make it". I know, but it's hard to think this time of night. Hugs, see you tomorrow nite!
Love the digger truck card. Thanks for letting us know which Copics you use in your projects!
Here's another of my favorite quotes: "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill
Lisa H.
Ok, I'm inspired by this little Blog Candy 'quote' contest...so today's quote is: Stop & smell the roses ~ as I get older I'm learning how fast life is flying by ~ my dds are growing so fast & I just don't know how it happens ~ so every once in awhile I just have to remind myself to 'stop & smell the roses' ~ make some good memories of what is happening today & stop rushing & worrying about tomorrow. I tell the girls that we are making 'good' memories! (a good digital camera helps as well ~ sparks the 'ole brain).
Ok I've rambled enough ~ Hope everyone makes some good memories today!
My quote for the day would be, from my pastor a few weeks ago..."remember to keep the Main Thing, THE Main Thing. Thanks so much for the chance to win!!
New favorite quote - don't worry, be happy
Here's one I saw today at SCS and may want to keep handy for my kids LOL: "How about a nice bowl of Shut-it Stew?!" - Doug Heffernan
A personal fave of mine... "Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes."-- Maggie Kuhn
Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. --Will Rogers--
My quote for the night, "There are 2 rules for success: 1)keep everything to yourself". LOl!
See you tomorrow night!
Reach for the stars is my all time favorite quote...I think! ;-)
I love your card samples. Keep 'em coming! Here's another quote I like:
"The chief enemy of creativity is 'good' sense." Picasso
Ok how about "Git er dun"
Oh another day. Let's see, which one today.... 'To each his own'... I'm trying to teach my daughters to not judge others... oh, I like ~ 'those who live in glass houses should not throw stones'... 'marching to the beat of a different drummer'...
I just seem to remember bits & pieces of good quotes ~ but of course not the actual person who originally said them.
Oh, here's one from Abe Lincoln 'All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my Mother' ~I really like that one...
"Happines is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony." - Thomas Merton
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.--Gen. George Patton--
I love a lot of Mark Twain's quotes like this one:
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
Hi Ely..here is my quote for the day..."Practice makes perfect"...is a quote I use all the time.
"It's a good thing to have all the props pulled out from under us occasionally. It gives us some sense of what is rock under our feet,and what is sand. Madeleine l'Engle"
~Never take someone for granted.
Hold every person close to your heart,
because you might wake up one day
and realize that you've lost a diamond
while you were too busy collecting stones.~
Those are 2 of my fav quotes
Oh...I have the PERFECT quote:
"Stampers don't sweat...they sparkle!"
Gotta love it :) ok...now I can't wait till tomorrow!!!!
Here's another quote - "In those times I can't seem to find God, I rest in the assurance He knows how to find me."
~Brenda H.
It's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years. (Abraham Lincoln) Congrats to you & have fun on the design team:)
Last night! Tomorrow is the big day to release all the stamp sets. Can't wait!
My quote for tonight is from that cute set "all things grow with love". -michelle
"The story of a mother's life: Trapped between a scream and a hug." ~ Cathy Guisewite
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